Monday, January 24, 2011

Slave - The Hidden Truth About Your Identity In Christ

I appreciate the study and research John MacArthur had done to prepare his book, “Slave – The Hidden Truth About Your Identity in Christ”. To not only bring to light this hidden word that has been lost in most of our modern translations, but also adding the words and writings of many of the Christian greats throughout the ages and what they have to say on the topic.

It has helped to answer for me more deeply the question of “What IS a Christian?” and what does it mean when I say this? It takes the definition to a new level, giving much more meaning and depth to other verses in the Bible as well. We’ve heard many a time the question, “What Would Jesus Do?” In this context it takes on new meaning, it’s a way of life, not a religion or a way of thinking but a way of living.

I find myself taking stock of my life, to evaluate what I believe and what I’m doing about it. It’s helping to redefine my personal faith and what it’s built on. I want to stay true to that personal, inner conviction; I want that to be what defines me, to be a sample of a true believer. Not just in word or in tongue, but in the things I do, the things I say, how I treat others, how I think, how I act.
And as he says in the preface of the book, “I am seeing riches of my Salvation in new and radical ways” and this is truly one word that changes everything.

This book was gratefully received from Thomas Nelson Publisher as part of their blogger program. I am not required to write positive review and therefore, the review is 100% opinion of my own.